Goldfair Spirit Limited, Liquor Division is introducing its full range of WHISKY,RUM, GIN, VODKA & BRANDY which is Distilled, Blended, & Bottled by Simbhaoli Distillery, Simbhaoli Sugars Limited, District Hapur, Uttar Pradesh and SODA, BEER and WATER.
Although the distillers' art has been understood since earliest times, the subtle aromas and flavours of whisky have never been fully explained, even today.
The quality of the pure Scottish water is important. The mash is stirred, helping to convert the starches to sugar.
The wort is cooled to 20°C and pumped into washbacks, where yeast is added and fermentation begins.
All the distillates pass through the spirit safe - whose locks were traditionally controlled by the Customs & Excise.
We're a company that never stops trying to do it better. Our aim is to set new benchmarks in market research by constantly upgrading our existing capabilities.